🛠️ The app is still in development mode.

⛔️ Instagram API works only for development accounts.

🧑‍💻 Check out the ➡️ source code ⬅️

🪄 One click blog from your Instagram.

🎯 Connect your Instagram

🧐 How it works

1. 🔑
Connect your Instagram account to Insta2Blog
2. ✍️
Post on Instagram, as usual
3. 🧘‍♀️
Every time you post on Instagram, we will 🪄🦄 automagically create a SEO-perfect blog post on your insta2blog website.
For example, if your account on instagram is za.yuliia, your blog posts will be at https://insta2blog.com/u/za-yuliia/p.

⁉️ What for?

🧘‍♀️ Run a blog without the tension of maintaining a blog.
🥇 Boost your SEO ranking. Instagram posts do not rank in Google. Yours will.
🔗 Anybody can link to your content. Avoid the instagram "registration wall".
🧐 Own the experience on your blog. Don't compete for attention with other creators on Instagram.
♻️ Make your content "evergreen". Give a second life to old posts by making them more accessible.
🔍 Quick search for posts on your profile.
#️⃣ #hashtag & @mention search only inside YOUR content. Don't redirect traffic out of your blog!
💾 Backup your Instagram profile. Don't lose your stuff if you get banned by any chance.